Step 1: Purchase sufficient USDT on an exchange like or Coinbase to cover the cost of 3050 XAH tokens
Step 2: Create an account on Bitrue by clicking on Bitrue logo and set up 2FA.
Step 3: Transfer/deposit the USDT to your Bitrue account and purchase XAH
Step 4: Download Xaman wallet for either iOS or Android, and follow instruction to set up.
Step 5: Transfer a minimum of 3010 XAH tokens from Bitrue accunt to your Xaman wallet. You need 1 XAh to activate, and 0.2 XAH for EVR Trustline.
Step 6: Transfer 3000 XAH tokens from your Xaman wallet using the payment request below.
Step 6: IMPORTANT Set up a trustline for EVR tokens - this can be completed by selecting "Add Asset" when on the Xahau chain
Q: Why do we need you to send XAH from you Xaman wallet?
A: myNodes team needs to know where to send the EVR rewards on a weekly basis
Reach out to us if you have any questions
* MyNodes does not warranty, or guarantee any service or rewards by white labeling your host on the Xahau and/or Evernode networks.
Xahau Ledger